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You must have an active 6-digit Account Number with Pardon Applications of Canada to proceed with U.S. Waiver fingerprint steps using the accredited consent forms & details below.  If you do not yet have a 6-digit Account Number, call 866-383-9744 to activate your U.S. Waiver application first.

The next step in your U.S. Waiver application process is to complete ALL THREE (3) U.S. Waiver Fingerprint Steps below. Once your 3 U.S. Waiver Fingerprint Steps have been completed, they will be sent electronically from the facility you attend to the Civil Fingerprint Screening Service (CFSS) in Ottawa (an RCMP head office), where a nationwide background check attached to your fingerprints will be completed. This is required by law for your U.S. Waiver application. If you do not complete ALL 3 steps, your U.S. Waiver application may not advance to its next phase or there may be delays.  Complete ALL THREE (3) U.S. WAIVER FINGERPRINT STEPS in order:


Click the download link above, fill out the date, your full name, sign & bring your completed U.S. Waiver Fingerprint Consent form to your fingerprinting facility or detachment. This form authorizes the results of your fingerprints to be forwarded directly to Pardon Applications of Canada, saving time in your application process.  NOTE:  Due to recent privacy laws, some facilities or detachments may not accept or use your fingerprint consent form, insisting that the results be mailed to you directly — that is fine. If you do receive your fingerprint results directly, mail the original documents to Pardon Applications of Canada, 440 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 200, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 7X6 to advance your U.S. Waiver application. You may certainly make a copy for yourself, but only original fingerprint documents can be used by Pardon Applications of Canada in the upcoming phases of your application.

ALSO applying for a Canadian Pardon? If so, you can get both sets of fingerprints done at the same time. Download & Print Pardon Fingerprint Consent Form as well. You will get 2 sets of fingerprints and use BOTH consent forms.


Contact a local fingerprint facility accredited by the RCMP to complete fingerprints or your local RCMP or police detachment. Explain that you are seeking a set of digital (LIVESCAN or CARDSCAN) U.S. Waiver fingerprints. If your record involved any French/Quebec based courts, request that the results be completed in ENGLISH. If necessary, you may need to book an appointment. If you have any trouble finding a fingerprint facility option, or cannot find a listing close to you, contact Client Care to investigate on your behalf.  **IMPORTANT**  Due to COVID-19 and other factors, always call ahead first to ensure fingerprinting services are available.

What to Bring
1. Your U.S. Waiver Fingerprint Consent Form (and Pardon Fingerprint consent form, if also applying for a Pardon).
2. Two (2) pieces of valid (not expired) government issued identification (at least 1 must be a photo-ID);
3. The fee charged by the facility or detachment. Make note of your total payment and facility details — you will need it for the next step.


Once your fingerprints have been completed, submit the fingerprint completion form at the bottom of this page. This immediately notifies Pardon Applications of Canada that your fingerprints have been completed, expediting the advancement of your file. To fully complete the form, you will need to provide:

1)  your full name & 6-digit Account Number with PAC;
2) date of your fingerprinting;
3) name and address of the facility/detachment you attended;
4) DCN# of your successful fingerprint submission (*Optional*)
5) your total fingerprint payment;
6) feedback on the service quality of the facility/detachment (how you were treated).

Once your Fingerprint Completion Form has been submitted, your file will advance within 48 business hours. Expect a detailed email update at that time.

Fingerprint Completion Form

  • Submit the form below to confirm completion of your fingerprints with Pardon Applications of Canada.
  • Your Account Number is in the subject of every email or text sent to you by PAC.
  • The exact date your fingerprints were completed.
    DD dash MM dash YYYY
  • Enter the name and address of the facility or detachment you attended to complete your fingerprints.
  • The 20-digit DCN# of your completed Pardon fingerprints. If you don't have this number, leave blank.
  • The 20-digit DCN# of your completed Waiver fingerprints. If you don't have this number, leave blank.
  • Share your experience at the facility or detachment. Examples: how were you treated, was the information provided accurate, were there any issues, did someone try to "sell" you something etc.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Related Links:
U.S. Waiver FAQs
Pardon Fingerprint Steps